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Learning through play

WE believes creative play is a highly underutilized form of
embodied learning and connection. 

Play is the highest form of research
— Albert Einstein

Studies have shown that holistic learning, and thus the integration of new ideas, happens on a very different physiological and neurological level when explored through a creative making process.

A powerful connection happens at WE when people document their learnings create something symbolic and representative of their communal experience together. We can’t wait for you to experience it.


WE Art Practices


Lunar Disposition

Each woman wrote down her current mindsets in the categories of health, career, finance, creativity, and relationship. Abundant mindsets were arranged on the light side of the moon, and scarcity mindsets on the shadow side.

The final galaxy is an important visualization of how our mindsets are affecting others and how we each impact the larger whole with what we believe and manifest.

We Art Disc

See It Through

Each attendee created an individual mixed media piece called “See It Through” to represent their recovery goals for the following year.

To create these layered pieces, each attendee reflected on their current stressors, identified one recovery practice to help them thrive, and explored one relationship in their life that would be impacted by their recovery practice.


Your Layered Self

Each attendee digs into the myriad of ways their voice contributes to others with “Your Layered Self.”

Through three different textures, attendees identify and own what they contribute to themselves, other coworkers, and their company at large.

Wired for Connection

This tech-inspired piece explores how the four communication styles (Analytical, Intuitive, Functional, and Personal) interact, and gives tools for how you can successfully communicate with any style at work!

Participants use the hidden “map” to select strategies for working with each communication style present on their team, and they use paint pens to visually activate these strategies in their day-to-day.

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At Your Core

Each attendee made an individual conceptual art project called "At Your Core". 

These layered pieces helped us process our individual voice and commitments to how we use social media irregardless of the messages that are constantly bombarding us. 

Starting with the top layer, attendees explored prompts like "I FOLLOW, I LIKE, I SHARE, I CONTRIBUTE, I WON’T, I WANT, I AM" to establish powerful intentions for social media. 


Our Power Grid

For this conceptual art installation, each attendee made an individual power grid that was assembled into a collective masterpiece.

To create their grid, attendees looked at how they’ve exercised personal agency in their past, present and future. Each intersection (matrices) represents a moment when that individual’s superpower collided with a decision they made.


Picturing a New Reality

At the end of our workshop, attendees set a Next Step Goal for the year ahead through a creative process.

After writing about their commitments, they selected a series of vintage art photos that resonated with their goals and how they’d feel accomplishing them.